This week there was a good ‘ol wisconsin blizzard. Well, actually, it hit a number of states, but this was our day home with the blizzard going on outside. Nicholas, you came down with a stomach bug and this was you feeling the best you had all day. You asked me to take a picture of you riding the cow while holding a baby. 😉 You are my most serious child. Very inquisitive and quickly growing up. Daddy and I like to joke that you are 4 going on 25.
Nicholas and Aaron, I took some pictures of you looking outside at the wind blowing the snow all over the neighborhood. Mommy told you to pray for Daddy to get home safe anytime you thought about him this day. He got home safe.
Aaron you love baby dolls a lot. Many times you carry a baby around the house just like Celia and Nicholas. This week you’ve been concerned enough to make sure your baby has a toy to hold. lol
Celia, you are such a sweet, sweet little girl. You care deeply for your babies – and it’s been a good example to your brothers. I joked with you this week that Aaron thinks you are his other mom. 😉
And, nope . . . mommy did NOTHING to your eyes in this picture. This is just you and your gorgeous eyes rimmed with dark blue surrounding sky blue. And one of your goofy smiles when I ask you to look at the camera. 😉
I love you all so so so much. So much that it hurts sometimes and brings tears to my eyes. How can Daddy and I be this lucky to have all 3 of you? Only by God‘s blessing in our lives. I hope you follow mommy and daddy and love God with all your might. If you do, your lives will be rich more than any other thing can offer.
Joanna - ha ha – love that last picture of Celia. These are great memories!